driver's license for USA
1 A car that crossed the line in the middle of the street and comes toward you and enter the path of a circus?
What works: Select the correct answer
A- When the road is wet, air does not allow the vision
B - just in case there is a sufficient distance to stop and can not get out of the way
C - only if the driver was that he did not appear next see you
2 - If you take medication and drink alcohol
A - can be serious consequences
B - Alcohol will not affect you
C - drugs will not help
3 - You are driving wet and yellow lines on the road in both directions means that?
A - can not turn
B - you are allowed to waive
C - it is dangerous to exceed
4 - When you get close to someone who wants to cross the street as he adjusted a white stick or a blind person with a dog guide him
You need to
A - continue to progress, but be prepared to stop
B - stop and allow him to cross
C - continue to walk
5 - When you reach the intersection of a railroad does not have to be referring to?
A - reduce speed and look in both directions
B - to stop and eavesdrops (Voice of the train)
C - continue to cross at a normal speed
6 - When shopping your car behind a car stop mail that has repeatedly
A - used klaxon (Horn) your car to know you are behind
B - would not be overtaken, but wait until the stay on the road
C - allows space than usual between you and them
7 - drivers of motor bikes
A - can be waived from the right in the way of a path
B - must give them the right to make full use of the route
C - can driving next to another car in the same path
8 - you must adjust foreign women from the left, even?
A - see left rear wheel of your car and you are sitting in the driver's
B - window to see the back of your car and you are in a driving
C - see the left edge of your car and you are in a driving
9 - You can give the reaction time to emergency situations on the road that?
A - before you consider the distance equivalent to 4 seconds of time driving
B - is before you consider the distance equivalent to 8 seconds of driving time
C - before you consider the distance equivalent to 12 seconds from the time of driving
10 - When you start your car in the ski First of all, you should do is that?
A - continue to put pressure on the gas pedal
B - consider the rear-view mirrors to check the other cars
C - lift your foot on the gas pedal
11 - When a vehicle exceeds the other in the way of a two-track must be returned to the right side of the road when it?
A - you can see in the background your mirror and frontline two lights of the car that have been overtaken
B - indicates you the other driver has therefore
C - away from the protective shocks (Introduction) have been overtaken by the car at least fifty feet
12 - on the road wet could lose control of your car because the tires are going on the water this is especially true when
A - is the way non-planar
B - the bigger your car
C - car tires are worn out and scanned
13 - When the snow during the day you have to?
A - used headlights for your car low
B - used headlights high for your car
C - used lights to wait for your car
14 - from on your right to see a car intends to enter the highway you are and you are approaching the course of entering the fast lane should you?
A - Horn used car once or twice
B - keep pace and stay in the right path
C - move to the left path if possible
15 - What are the only effective way to reduce the level of alcohol in your body?
A - allow your body enough time to get rid of alcohol
B - drink coffee and eat something sweet
C - exercise and fresh air
16 - when you intend to passing another vehicle on a highway you should?
A - Tzie high lights for your car and leave it lit up the complete bypass
B - left side of the other vehicle that the driver can see you
C - proceed to the track before overtaking the other vehicle to exceed
17 - When driving on the road by car Ski?
A - test your brakes gently to the road improves,
B - avoid driving in the middle of the path where it is more safe and provides less traction
C - pressing on the gas pedal gently but quickly
18 - When driving in fog you should use?
A lights - waiting
B - low light
C - the light of higher
19 - if wet four tires for your car?
A - the brakes may not work at all
B - Stnagafl brake and you stop suddenly
C - the distance to stop the crisis will go down very
20 - What do you do drink alcohol, your leadership skills and your ability to make decisions
A - help your skill to drive, but your ability to affect the decision-making
B - spoil both driving skills and the ability to make decisions
C - do not have any effect on the decision-making, but detrimental to driving skills
21 - the form of this sign means
A - Stand
B - given the right of passage for others
C - do not cross
22 - When shopping in a two-way street, approaching a school bus red lights, intermittent users (ie, Flash) should be?
A - to stand at least 20 feet from the school bus and wait until the red tower lights extinguish
B - reduce speed and prepare to stop if the children were crossing the street
C - continue at the same speed to avoid any problem of traffic
23 - When approaching an emergency vehicle you used (Horn) and intermittent lights (Flash) should be?
A - reduce speed and remain in your route (your line)
B - move to the right side of the road and stop
C - continue to walk to a taxi driver to give you the directions of emergency
24 - to Lthakq hidden from the region that can not see in Mratk background before moving on to the track must be left?
A - Mirrors consider the background of the Foreign Alessarp
B - consider Alemraep internal rear view
C - a look over your shoulder from the left
25 - before they decide to bypass another car in the way of a two-track should be?
A - running in your car turn signal
B - The distance between you and the first car coming
C - Horne used to warn the driver of the car the other vehicle
26 - traffic lights flash yellow light mean?
A - made with caution
B - a complete halt
C - pedestrian crossing
27 - on slippery by how many seconds from the time you should drive away the car in front of you
A - two seconds
B - three seconds
C - six seconds
28 - before entering an intersection in the dusk (before dark) Remember that?
A - Horn used your car to alert drivers of other cars in the region
B - it may be difficult for other drivers see you
C - speed up until it crosses the intersection at speeds of
29 - The approaching an intersection and see a car coming from the left you should?
A - is preparing to stop and give the other driver the right of passage
B - increase the speed of the car to cross the intersection
C - continue at the same speed
30 - Driving at night, most important for you?
A - be ready to use the brakes more quickly
B - Shopping limits What does your car lights to see the
C - used headlights high for your car all the time
31 - You Stopped at a red traffic light their light was not a sign that points you to what we should do?
A - continue driving if the intersection is free of pedestrians and vehicles
B - turns left on two-way street if the intersection is free of highway
C - turns right if the road was empty of cars and pedestrians
32 - You must reduce the speed at the intersection of roads in anyway?
A - a person close to the angle of the road
B - The use of the driver behind his car Horne
C - a car close behind you
33 - when it is part of the route line on the highway because Mgqa works construction, maintenance or testing the speed limit is?
A - 35 miles per hour if there was a sign stating otherwise
B - 45 miles per hour unless there was a sign stating this
C - 55 miles per hour if there was a sign stating this
34 - When you ride in the back seat in the car, the seat belts must be used
A - Children at the age of 4 to 8 years
B - children aged 4 to 12 years
C - children from the age of 14 to 16 years
35 - at the intersection of roads where trees and buildings obscure the vision of both sides, you have to?
A - stop at the intersection and then slowly moving forward
B - soon be discontinued from the center of the intersection and then continue when it is
C - stop at the intersection and used (Horn) your car to other drivers
36 - Msarmdechl highway, you must investigate the traffic on the highway that?
A - Receive quick glances over your shoulder
B - used mirrors to your car rear view and receive looks over your shoulder
C - used Alemraep external rear-view
37 - When you log in with the walk from one place to stop next to the sidewalk you should consider the mirrors to make sure that your car?
A - look over your shoulder for cars coming
B - running and emergency Madat Quartet to alert oncoming cars
C - proceed quickly to avoid Altsdm
38 - If you can not stop before the shock of another vehicle, it's usually that.?
A - reduce speed gradually, then shock the other vehicle
B - trying to drive around the car and avoid the use of (brake) strongly
C - lift your foot on the accelerator and brake used in the strongest possible
39 - in the absence of a relationship refers to the maximum speed at which you must?
A - continue at the same speed
B - assumes that it is better to pass this juncture quickly
C - equivalent to estimate unit turn and change the speed accordingly
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