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mercredi 13 novembre 2013

Questions and answers about instructions lottery American

Q: What does the word ( country qualification - my family ) Are there cases where people who were not born in the country qualified to provide and they submitters ?

A: The country qualifiers usually be the same Country of birth and nothing to do with the place where you live now ,,, for example, if you were born in a country that is not eligible to apply in the immigration program it is possible to apply by the husband or wife if their place of birth allowed to submitters on the condition that Liko this person also qualified for the program and in this case it must be you enter the United States together in the same way as the adoption of a minor child to enter the country qualified for his parents .
Finally, if you were born in a country that is not eligible to participate in the lottery is possible to be involved , using the country your parents on the condition that one parent is not resident in the country qualified third time your birthday ... must learn to provide any wrong information about your country or not qualified expose of exclusion.

Q: Is there any change in the application process this year than last year ?

A: Yes, we must add an e - mail where no longer optional كالعام the the last .. and if your choice will be sending his victory speech to address the ordinary either e - mail will use only until the Center for Immigration sends some means of communicating to you .. Please provide a personal e- mail is not the property of another person or company . The rest of the requirements as they are in the previous program

Q: Is signatures or images are required for each member of the family ? Main Advanced M only?

C : Signatures are not required in the application form , but his images is required for Advanced and wife and children less than 21 years , the collective images captured unacceptable.

Q: Why is the population of some countries are not eligible to participate in the program?

A: The meaning is to achieve Mbdotkava opportunities and are judged by calculating the number of immigration visas , whether random or work or recruit parents If exceeded fifty thousand visa in five years disbursed the State is not eligible ( ( is important to us Arab world all qualified thanks to God even sector Gaza via Egypt offers ) ) , but these countries are variable from year to year .

Q: How many visas granted in the program?

A: 55 thousand are issued visas each year , but 5000 was booked for visa program last special countries of Central America to the number of visas available to the world only 50 thousand .

Q: How many visas granted each province or state ?

A: The Center for Immigration to specify the number granted each year on the basis of special equation in the Constitution , and after the completion of the accounts declaration will be the number of visas for each country.

Q : When will you accept applications ?

A: The orders are accepted in the period from Friday 2 October 2010 and until the day Monday, November 30, 2010 .. The millions of applicants progress at the same time , which may cause overload on the system and so please progress early on as much as possible , because at end of period happens very slow .

Q : Isttih the people in the United States apply for the program ?

A: Yes, these people can apply from within the United States or from abroad.

Q: Is everyone committed to apply one 's just do not Aktherkhala the registration period ?

A: Yes, the law allows to provide the individual only one request for himself and Advanced , which offers more than ask for the same information will be excluded and will use sophisticated technology to detect these people

Q: Can a husband and wife make separate requests ? To increase the chance of winning?

A: Yes possible.

Q: members of the family should be included and mentioned in the application ?

A: You mentioned a husband or wife , and all unmarried children less than 21 years with the exception of children who are already in the United States ,, , you must mention the husband or the wife , even in the event of separation - separation here Mesh means divorce - unless it was an official document do not divorce mention this husband or wife ... must also be mentioned the sons of the husband or wife , and even adopted children .

Q: Is the application must be done by myself or possible use someone ?

A: The application can be done on your own or use a friend or relative or lawyer on the condition that he will send his victory speech at the address , which was written in demand to keep the registration confirmation page so you can follow your order .

Q: What is required for a proportion of education or experience?

A: The law provides that the applicant must be at least have on High School or that have had two years of experience in the work requires at least two years experience .. The Hague School in America, meaning 12 years to complete the study successfully and in a win - win situation you will have to provide proof of this certification.

Q: How are the winners selected ?

A: The Center for Immigration collects requests each region separately and then Alkmiotr choose random for each province, for example, the demand will be selected first is the one who will be recorded first, and so on , ,, all applications received during the period of application have equal chances to win I think De describes the point of contention in the bag äăČŃ and registration and their relationship after that immigration center will send messages to the winners by regular mail .

Q : Will the announcement of people who did not choose ?

A: They can all participants , including non- winners track the status of their request on lots which will begin work on the first of July 2010 until June 30, 2011 by use confirmatory number .

Q: Is there a minimum age of the applicant ?

A: No. There is no minimum age for Advanced , but the requirement to complete the study until high school will be eliminated a large number of applicants is less than 18 years old.

Q : Do I have to pay any fees during the progress of the program ?

A: No fees are required to provide , but the visa fee is paid in a safe at the embassy choice.

Q : Is it possible for people applicants abandoned another type of progress in the lottery ?
A: Yes they can apply Les all the answers Mesh sweet and small Keda Yala Hunt Haha

Q : In case of winning the length of time in which the winner can apply for a visa ?

A: The winner must progress to get a visa in the period from October 1 , 2010 and until September 30 , 2011 as there is no delay or take advantage of winning after this period and This also applies to the spouse or children of beneficiaries of the original person win .

Q : In case of the death of one of the winners - all on the orders of God - what happens?

A: The death of a winner means the invalidity of his victory speech from the ground up , even for the rest of the family if he is the main Advanced Valgy up to win the rest of his family from a wife or husband and sons .

Q: Can I download the application form on page two and save a Word program example , until entirety and sent ?
A: No, you can not do it where you must complete the form and send it on the Internet where the system is given to Advanced 60 minute timeout since the moment you open the page to complete the form.

Q: If the picture provided did not meet the conditions and have been rejected from the program during the appropriateness of the model ... Can you try again ?

A: Yes , you can try again as long as the image was rejected automatically and as long as the applicant does not appear registration confirmation message , and in this case it depends on the speed of the Internet and can re- register any number of times until the confirmation message appears . \

Q : Are you a confirmation message is received confirmation immediately after the completion of the registration process?
A: Yes, the message is sent confirmation immediately after registration and it also depends on the speed of the Internet has advanced and the status of the site so if they do not receive the confirmation during the few minutes of pressing a button finish no harm in pressing it again until the message appears Altakidbs Mtkatrh after the emergence of confirmation message is prohibited termination button is pressed again.

Q: If I was accepted in the program - Lord, we all - Is the United States government will help me in the ticket aircraft or Tskyny or hired to provide health insurance or even settled there ?

A: No, the government does not provide any of this - I forget Ya Amrowo - if it is your choice you will have to prove that you will not be a burden on the community this proof will be in the form of a set of personal property or nearby there Saaulk or employment contract from there.

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